Saturday, January 18, 2014


Many people have been asking how my recovery is going. My answer probably depends on when you ask. But I do have some good news. I have now moved beyond clear liquids on to blended thicker liquids. You know it is pretty sad when you wake dreaming about eating baby food. Today has been a better day. I have eaten cheese grits with water added and blended, applesauce, and broccoli cheese soup blended. You like how I am trying to get cheese while in America even though I can't chew any real food yet? Here is a photo after my first taste of cheese grits. Yay!
I don't know if you can tell from the photo, but my face and neck are a bit swollen and my tongue is still very swollen. I am beginning to be able to talk though. I can say a few jumbled words at a time. Mostly I am still communicating through notepads or whiteboards. It has been a good opportunity to work on Ezra's reading, although I can't help him sound anything out. 

After being out at a baby shower for the afternoon, my tongue has reached it's limit. I probably tried to talk too much. So now I am taking pain medicine and going to bed. I'm praying that the nausea won't come back and maybe later I will be able to drink something for dinner. But for now, good night. 

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Each day brings healing and restoration. Glad for the healing that has already happened!
