Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Not such great news

Well, today I had my follow up appointment after my tongue surgery. I met with the Nurse Practitioner rather than the actual surgeon who did my procedure. As she was interpreting the pathology report, she said that places that appeared visually to be normal tissue were actually pre-cancer. She said that it was not just the one visible spot but several spots. The doctor removed all the visible high-grade dysplasia and some normal looking tissue that was also high grade dysplasia. I am unclear about whether or not the margins were clear. Hahaha I've got to laugh so I don't cry. So it sounds like I may need to watch and follow up more than I originally thought. And it sounds like there may be other parts of my tongue that are pre-cancerous, although we can not actually see anything abnormal. This is not the news I wanted to hear, but as I walked to use the restroom after my appointment, a beautiful song came to mind.
"This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."
Simple but profound truth. God made each day and knows and even ordains it. I can rejoice and be glad, not that the news is just what I was hoping for, but that God is in control!  Just a couple minutes after returning from Atlanta, I headed out to our community group where I was planning to share an update about our first six months in Uganda. I made this power point presentation a few weeks ago and have shared it several times, but tonight it was just what I needed to hear myself. I have converted it into a video so that those who I don't get to speak with in person can still see my photos and here these girls sing.  It is only 3 minutes. Enjoy!
Even though the news about my health isn't great, I am comforted by the love of my Heavenly Father!  I hope you are too!

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